Unveil the History of Pompeii

89 B.C.
Later than Stabiae and Ercolano, Silla's army conquers the city by winning the resistance of the Pompeiians. Its inhabitants become now Roman citizens. In 80 B.C the city receives the status of Colony. The official language becomes Latin, and this gives good force to the political and administrative new life of the city.
27 A.D. – 62 A.D.
Under Augustus’ domain, the Romanization of the city receives great strength, evolving towards new artistic and architectural models that make Pompeii the privileged destination of Patricians going on holidays. The building of Eumachia, the Aqueduct, the Temple of Fortuna Augusta and other famous works are built in this period. In 62 A.D. a violent earthquake causes serious damage, almost instantly followed by renovation and restoration work.
79 A.D.
In the ten years after the earthquake, in Pompeii the reconstruction gives rise to numerous luxurious buildings. In 79 Mount Vesuvius explodes with a roar and produces a pyroclastic flow that lasts for days, burying the city under a coat of ash six meters high. In 1748 the first archaeological excavations were started, revealing the ancient Roman city and its buried stories.
Stages and Locations

the Forum

the Basilica

the Stabian Baths

the Bakery and the Millstones

the Large Theatre

the Quadriporticus

the House of the Faun

the Lupanar